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In 1892, the Canadian Criminal Code banned every form of gambling. Over the years peoples perceptions have changed on gambling the laws would be altered to meet these public perceptions. Provinces have taken advantage of this demand by opening government controlled gaming facilities bringing in 7.2 billion dollars between 2010-2011. This revenue would go towards public projects and services. Independent organizations have also taken of this growing demand. Throughout the years there has been an expansive growth of gambling facilities. Today, there are several ways to place a wager such as playing the lottery, the races or casino games many being may legal in the late 20th century. In Canada provinces handle their gambling industry. In Ontario, organizations who wishes to run a form of gambling must have permission through the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Commission(OLG)

The current gaming laws in Ontario are listed as the Gaming Control Act of 1992. In this act it states in section 16 subsection 1 states: “Upon receiving a completed application under section 15, the Registrar shall consider the application and either grant it or refuse it” (GAMING CONTROL ACT, 1992) anyone who wishes to have any form of gambling operation(unless exempt) must pay a fee to have their application either granted or denied by the registrar. This has cause the government to have absolute power within the gaming industry as they can choose who can open a facility and who cannot. These act should be amended so it allow anyone to run an establishment with legal gambling without having to depend on their competitors to allow them into the market.

The arguments against having this amendment would be from groups who are against de-regulating gambling in Onta...

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... create jobs and increase tax revenue through these sources. The existing act is protecting a small group of potential problem gamblers at the cost of the majority. There are numerous programs to help these problem gamblers as well as government programs which can be improved with the increase tax revenue. The final result will result in a free market where it can benefit the consumer as well as help the government more than before the amendment. This is a dated section due to the increasing demand and acceptance of gambling that government controlled facilities cannot entirely provide. Currently there are debates of opening a casino in both Hamilton and Sudbury. As of now the OLG has passed Hamilton to open a casino but has given the city to veto their decision. Sudbury is considering expanding their casino operations but is being debated on at the municipal level.

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