sanctimonious society

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The Crucible, penned by Arthur Miller, a four-act dramatic play based on events of the Salem witchcraft trials, takes place in a small Puritan village of Massachusetts in 1692. The witchcraft trials grew out of the particular moral system of the Puritans, which promoted a repressive code of conduct that frowned on any diversion from norms of behavior. The play opens with the reader finding out about a young girl who is inert in her bed. The villagers automatically suspect witchcraft. However, they do not know that all the girls in the village sneaked out to the woods the night before where they made a potion to let them have the man they love. The black slave who helped the girls make this potion was Tituba. It was fine until Abigail went too far and wished death on the wife of John Proctor. The girls went crazy, dancing and stripping but then Abigail's uncle walks in and finds them. This is the real reason the girl is unable to move, fear. The girls turn on the rest of the village and blame them for the witchcraft. John Proctor is the tragic hero as he has many positive traits about him, such as his noble characteristics and his honorable and righteous qualities. He also has a darker side to his otherwise pure nature by having an affair with Abigail Williams. Proctor’s actions lead to his eventual fatal downfall and the downfall of others as a result of his sin. However, he was very willing to reverse the effects of his actions to save others around him. The more shocking reality is that these events were factual, which just further fuels the tragedy of the play, especially towards John Proctor. Arthur Miller was born on October 17, 1915, in Harlem, New York. The early years of Miller’s life did not go smoothly. Miller did not e... ... middle of paper ... ...he Puritans disapproved of the Quakers because they believed that God could speak to individuals and inspire them to communicate on his behalf. Consequently, the Quakers avoided hierarchical forms of church government. The Puritans, in contrast, believed that God would only speak through his ordained ministers and accordingly placed great importance on their work. In the town's hysteria at the beginning of the play lies a parallel to the frenzy that communist "witch-hunting" caused in America in the 1950s. And in John Proctor's trial, confession, recantation, and refusal to name his associates, are incidents that regularly occurred in front of the House Un-American Activities Committee. However, because of its broad sweep of moral themes, the play has also has an underlying meaning beyond the immediate and specific historical circumstances for which it was written.

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