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Chomsky’s school of thought is that language is learned by a method that goes on the head and that there is some imagination going in the construction of words.
He argued that only trough mistake in other words ‘performance grammar,’ we would really comprehend language. This meant listing to what speakers of languages actually produce. “And this list would have included utterances containing mistakes, hesitations, and stammers: ‘performance errors’ that reveal little about the native speaker’s knowledge of his or her language. Of greater importance, Chomsky claimed, is the creation of a ‘competence grammar,’ a grammar reflecting ‘the fluent native speaker’s knowledge of the language”(Blackwell 96)Chomsky’s theory goes against Skinner’s theory of how language is learned . Skinner’s theory of Stimulus and response was seen as the appropriate during the 1940’s when language was seen as one dimension.
Language comprehension orbited around Skinner’s school of thought of language being learned through memorization. However, Skinner failed to see over many elements attached to language like syntax, semantics, morphology, lexis, phonology and all those other features that Chomsky brought up. Chomsky’s theory was later proved by many assessments that took place in universities. Two main cases that prove Chomsky’s theory as relevant over Skinner’s are the assessments conducted on children and ESL students. One of prominent assessments that solidified Chomsky’s theory was the
Berko’s Wugs test. The Berko’s wugs test was an assessment that was conducted on children, while the Sally Experiment was an assessment conducted on ESL students.
Now the study of ESL is one assessment that proves the relevancy of Chomsky’s

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...o be breed. The word changes from memorization form to a rule generated form after the child figures out that “goes “ is incorrect then he knows that the Verb+ed=past tense does not apply to go because it is irregular. The U-shape does not show good or bad performance because it simply shows the steps of how children are learning and how the generated forms are created.
Both of these assesments helped Chomsky theory seem as more precise than skinners theory. Although Skinner was correct to some degree he did not have the language acquisition figured out. The sally experiment helped showed the omission therefore displaying how rules were being applicable to the acquisition of language.
Berko showed commission of plural markers and her U-shape assessment showed past tense markers and how there is a rule as well being performed in the process of

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