Language of Destruction

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Language is an important means of communication which gives people the power to freely interact and express themselves with one another. In 1984 by George Orwell, citizens of Oceania have their language stripped away and controlled by the government. This practice is vital to the party in creating certain rules and regulations to limit the act of rebellion that occurs within the society. It is the manipulation and deception of language which is used to instill fear towards the citizens, allowing the party to gain absolute power. The loss of language symbolizes the steady progression of socialism towards totalitarianism. In Orwell’s novel, Newspeak is the new form of communication which replaces English. This fictional language is used to control the thoughts of others by simplifying the English language. Newspeak removes synonyms and antonyms, replacing them with smaller, simpler words and concepts. Negative terms have also been eliminated. Winston Smith, a member of the outer party, is determined throughout the story to test the limits of his corrupt society and rebel against the ...

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