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The idea of creating an international organization with the purpose of maintaining order and security in the world occupied the minds of mankind since ancient times .This idea was realized in 1919 in the form of the League of Nations ,which did not not become an effective instrument of international cooperation.After World War II the whole world needed to establish new methods of combating global terrorism , because nobody wanted recurrence of this terrible tragedy.Thus ,the League of Nations , which was inactive throughout the war ,was replaced by its successor,the UN,somewhat similar to its predecessor ,but based on radically opposite principles.Today, after almost seventy years , we can draw certain conclusions and say whether the UN was more successful than the League of Nations and if successful , why?
The First World War gave a number of key problems for the winners, which were required to be solved immediately,such as setting exact positions of the national borders and preventing another devastating war.As a result of the Paris Peace Conference – the meeting of the Allied victors taken place in Paris in 1919 – an international organization was established with its principal mission of maintaining the world peace.The League of Nations also discussed such global questions as labor conditions, human and drug trafficking, arms trade, global health, prisoners of war, and protection of minorities in Europe.The Covenant of the League was originally signed by 44 countries.From 28 September 1934 to 23 February 1935 the League had 58 members at its greatest extent.
League of Nations at the beginning of its existence, was doomed to failure.Firstly,despite the fact that the League of Nations was the brainchild of 28th U.S. President...

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...the world that the UN is not an empty phrase in world politics,but the first step towards a peaceful future.
To draw the conclusion, one can say that although the League of Nations had similar goals with the United Nations, due to the epoch the League's actions were focused primarily on the development of Western European countries, ignoring the problems of African, Asian and Latin American countries.Nowadays it is important that each country is involved in solving global problems. If a country is participating in such an organization as the United Nations, which gained credibility of the world development leaders influencing the global policy, its opinion might be taken into consideration. This principle, as well as correcting mistakes made in the establishment and operationing of the League of Nations, allowed the UN to become more successful than its predecessor.

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