animal worldview

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A person’s worldview determines how everything he/she does, reacts, and treats others. Religion plays a big role in teaching what is right and wrong to do in life. If one’s beliefs taught them that dogs are food then the person is going to think it is okay to consume dog meat. Whereas the largest religion in the world, Christianity, the dog is known as a companion not an edible source. I was raised to believe in the religion Christianity. I consider myself to be a Christian and believe in God and that he created man. I live by the bible and consider pets to be treated as fairly as humans, farm animals treated with close care, and wildlife to have care available but also not to disturb the nature of the animal’s natural habitat too much.
Christianity is the belief that God created the world and everything in it, therefore all things created by God should be treated fairly. Treating something created by God poorly is considered a sin. There are times when people commit sins, but praying to God and asking for forgiveness is acceptable. The reason Christians pray and ask for forgiveness is to live a life in eternity in heaven. God will honor people into heaven who believe in him and ask for him to be in their lives. There are several different groups of Christians such as Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestantism. I am in the Baptist group, and my worldview is based off the bible.
The bible is my proof that there is a god who created mankind and died on a cross to provide eternal life for all his followers. I believe it is logically consistent that one man could have sacrificed himself for all others and created man himself. Now that you know my religion and reasons of it lets get more into how it effects my daily life and how I use i...

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...nd I personally believe there is a heaven for animals. I think animals have souls and are just like humans deserving a heaven with none the less. Whether an animal does wrong or not in its life it deserves a life in eternity, because it was most likely obeying what its owner or what nature taught it to do to survive throughout life.
In the world today animals are used for many purposes such as animal testing, sports, farming, etc. I support anything using animals as long as the animals are in a good environment and have a good welfare with basic essentials to live. I understand that all things are not fair and not everyone shares the same worldview and attitudes toward animals, but I will stand for my beliefs any day. Animals are just another species that God created and they should all be treated as fairly as us humans. All animals have their own destiny in life.

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