Zeppo And Xena's Short Story: The Haunted House

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Confused I stared out of my window at the trailer parked outside. Still not able to comprehend what had happened to my beloved dogs, Zeppo and Xena.

I was sitting in my backyard on a cold summer night listening to the crackling of the fire, as I was roasting marshmallows with my friends and family when my dog, Zeppo, nuzzled up to me. Giggling, I asked him " Would you like a marshmallow?" He was wagging his tail so I asked my mom if it was alright.

" I guess" She said " But only one."

Later I would realize that my friend's little sister, Isabelle, saw me do this and wanted to try too. I would also realize that the marshmallows weren't the only thing that hurt him.

The rest of the night was normal. Playing with my dogs, eating …show more content…

Something she rarely does. " What's wrong?" I asked. She gestured to the window and I rushed over. What I saw broke my heart. At first I didn't believe it, I couldn't. My precious dog was lying still on a tarp in the middle of our trailer.

Running outside I exclaimed "What happened?" My father answered " Zeppo passed away in the night, he had a heart attack." Disbelief turned to anger when I remembered that the night before Isabelle had taken the marshmallow bag from me. I thought she wanted to roast one more. I guess she saw how much Zeppo loved them and wanted to make him even more happy. He was an old dog though, and I can't blame it all on Isabelle. Then I was sad. "It's all her fault" I whispered to myself because I couldn't help it. Then I sat down on the trailer next to my sweet boy and stayed there until we left to bring him to the veterinarian's office. "Zeppo is gone and there is nothing I can do about it" I was thinking to myself.

You see, Zeppo and his sister were like siblings to me; we did everything together. I recall we even took naps together. When they died it felt as if a part of me wasn't there anymore. I loved them and I still do.

I think Xena figured it out because when we got home she was howling and whining. I don't blame her, she and Zeppo had been together since day …show more content…

Her tumor had gotten worse over the past couple of months without Zeppo and one day my parent's decided that she would be better off not having to live in pain. That was the day my world turned completely upside down. I cried. The loss of two very loved pets in the span of a few months? It was very saddening.

After that we had no dogs; we still had a cat. No more animals became a part of our family for about one and a half years. Our cat was still living, but we decided we wanted another dog. This dog was already around 3 years old and was needing a new home because one of its owners had died and the other was bedridden. He rarely got outside, but when he did he had a few minutes and then it was either back into the crate or laying on the bed. My parents met with the owner and the dog and liked them, so we took him in.

At first I was really scared of him; he looked really mean. I soon grew to like him though. He still thinks I'm a dog like him. Bucky is a sweet, playful loving and lovable, medium sized, brown, white, black and gray dog who is a blue healer mix. He will never replace Zeppo and Xena, but he is wonderful. I am so glad we have a dog, and guess what!? My mom told me we are getting another dog! Her name is Roxy. She is the cutest little thing. Laying there in a curled up ball with her big fat floppy ears and paws. I whispered "Awwwwww!!" When I first saw

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