Zeitoun Sparknotes

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Introduction In 2005 Hurricane Katrina completely changed the lives of the many affected New Orleans citizens. It had a death toll of 1,833 and its overall destruction path caused the demolition of more than 800,000 buildings. The media coverage for the hurricane was very suspicious and made the situation seem worse. This led to many false beliefs about what had happened during this tragic event. Dave Eggers an acclaimed author took the lack of knowledge about the hurricane as a chance to write a book to educate people. He ended up writing the book “Zeitoun” which was a powerful narrative nonfiction account about the Zeitoun family. The Zeitoun’s were a lovable family and the book makes readers develop a special connection to the family. …show more content…

Throughout the book there are many parts where the family seems happy together, creating a powerful pathos. Readers experience a loss of connection after reports from various sources including The New York Times wrote, “Last month, Mr. Zeitoun was jailed on charges that he attacked Ms. Zeitoun with a tire iron, punching and choking her in public until a witness stopped them” (Brown). The book makes it clear that Zeitoun and Kathy really loved each other. Readers are given 40 pages of dialogues from Kathy during a period of time where she could not contact him. Eggers does a good job helping readers understand how she felt with examples such as, “Kathy woke up tense. She fed the kids, trying not to think about the fact that her husband hadn’t called the afternoon before” (Eggers, 173). The aftermath leaves readers wondering why Kathy would ever be worried for a man that would later abuse …show more content…

The book gives readers a sense of hope for the family. In certain instances it seems like their lives are going to improve in examples such as, “In the morning he awakens to the sounds of his children-four young ones in the house now, so many voices in this now-bigger house, the smell of fresh paint filling the home with possibility” (Eggers, 322) . The book also leaves no indication on what went wrong. Many people look to reports from Kathy such as her testimony to NOLA Crime where she said,“the abuse had started long before Katrina. Her husband used to hit her, slap her or punch her every now and then, she said, but he didn't beat her.” (Emily, 2016) .Readers use this testimony to claim that Eggers created a false connection, although he denies ever knowing about these claims. Kathy has also given many different statements about when the abuse started, but one thing that is consistent is that it became worse after Katrina. Many readers also claim that the instances in camp greyhound may have caused him to become more aggressive, but with various claims from Kathy and the general lack of public knowledge about the situation, the readers are left with no real

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