Comparative Analysis: Zeena Frome and Elizabeth Proctor

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Do you find yourself finding similarities between characters when reading books? Many authors have the same writing style. Consequently, characters of different books or plays may have similar characteristics and may be very similar. Comparing Zeena From, Ethan Frome’s wife, from the novel Ethan Frome written by Edith Wharton, and Elizabeth Proctor, John Proctor’s wife, from the play The Crucible by Arthur Miller relate through their characteristics and relationships which demonstrates how the two stories are alike. Elizabeth and Zeena have many similar character traits and display this through each story from start to finish. Both Zeena Frome and Elizabeth Proctor are immensely manipulative to the people around them, and they use it on their husbands and people around them. Zenna and Elizabeth are continuously manipulating, perhaps in a vengeful way for their husband’s affairs. Although, Zeena usually keeps quiet she knows Ethan, Zeena's husband, fell into obligation to marry her for it wouldn’t be that Ethan’s mother lived longer due to Zeena’s help. Zeena says to John, “Yes; and my folks all told me at the time you couldn’t do no less than marry me after-” (Wharton page 48 line 9-10). Zeena uses this line, twisting the situation on Ethan, which she has only mentioned now, showing how she feels about caring for his mother and sparing her own health in doing so and
Along with each character’s similar attributes, the relationships they both have with their husbands are comparable. Zeena Frome and Elizabeth proctor share many characteristics and relationships through each story, showing how similar each works of literature are alike. Over the two stories previously mentioned there are many similarities and are strongly comparable through each character, which can be found looking at various pieces of

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