Zebulon Brockway's Report

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The purpose of the Detroit House of Corrections was, as stated in a report to the Detroit Common Council in 1857, to “Occupy the position of a home to the friendless, rather than as a place of punishment. The city is to stand for the time being in the parental relation to those unfortunates who, deprived of their natural guardianship, are tempted on the threshold of crime...Its object is to reform and restore the young, who have been tempted, before it is too late” (Brockway, 2012, p. 71). In short, the DOC was launched with the ideal that it would be a place for treating offenders for their “industrial, educational, and moral good” (Brockway, 2012, p. 72). And that coincided with what Zebulon Brockway desired to accomplish in running a prison.

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