Your Favorite Text Has Influenced Me Analysis

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While I do find a great amount of joy in reading, I found this prompt to be a difficult task. When asked which favorite text has influenced me, it was like the gears suddenly stopped turning. I was clueless, and if I’m being completely honest, I’m not one hundred percent sure why that is. Growing up I read books all the time. My parents always said that if they had to punish me for bad behavior that they would just take my books away. A part of my love for books correlates with this quote from Dr. Seuss, “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” I enjoyed reading so much because it allowed me to be in a different world when I had to be stuck in mine. I do believe that reading as a child has made me who I am today, however, I just can’t find the time to read or even as much interest in reading as I used to. …show more content…

Some would call me neutral. I simply just don’t have favorites. Throughout the years you get asked the same questions over and over again. What’s your favorite song? What’s your favorite movie? What’s your favorite color? I really don’t know how some people just rattle off the answers right away as if they were just asked what their middle name is. I enjoy a great deal of movies and songs. I even love a lot of colors. But I don’t have a favorite of any of those things. When I try to relate a favorite to books, it’s even harder. I love so many books that I could never pick out a favorite. I suppose that I have favorite types or genres of books, however, I can’t just single out one favorite book. That’s like asking a grandmother to tell you which of her grandkids is her

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