Essay Hate Reading

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At this point in time, one of my favorite things to do is to read. It’s good for passing time, and it’s even better for learning things in general. I am an avid reader and start a new book after I finish one. The way I feel about reading now wasn’t always the case. When I was in primary school, reading always felt like such a burden. So the topic I chose to write on is about how the impression you are left with at a young age can impact how you feel about that same subject in the future. In elementary school, I recall being forced to read a certain number of books, and then being tested on them for something called accelerated reader points. If you didn’t achieve the goals set, you would be chastised. I understand the purpose of this is …show more content…

I should probably stop with that way of thinking, but why would any system do something that causes that much distress in someone? Many people learn to hate reading at a very young age. Children hate to learn reading. When you to access children too early, children learn reading is a chore. It becomes some thing serious – even fearful for a young child. ( Bailey, setting up children to hate reading ) Making kids read in general seems bad enough, but teachers go so far to even choose the material that students must read. Usually the classics such as Jane Eyre, To Kill a Mockingbird, or Pride and Prejudice. These books aren’t bad, and they should be encouraged. These texts are great for inside of the classroom. But when it comes to free reading, to the one time that kids can finally choose for themselves, I think that students should just be encouraged to read. (Sarnak, “Should young readers be forced to read the classics”). If schools and teachers wish to promote reading and writing, they should not force students to read what they simply do not enjoy or will ultimately hate. The hatred

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