Young Beauty Pageants

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Young Beauty Contests
For years beauty contests have been around for people of all ages. These classy, beauty contests are known to be wonderful and exciting for children. Many assume that these contests result in nothing but positive aspects. Walking up and down a stage, almost like modeling, can make someone feel confident, beautiful, and also bring great opportunities in his/her future. Feeling special under that bright light would make anyone smile. It is interesting how a lot of parents involved in these pageants think their child needs beauty pageants to help the child’s self-esteem and the way he or she feels inside. Attention is wonderful and the feeling of looking perfect would bring smiles among the person or child competing and the audience. Some people take beauty contests far too far when it comes to children and even babies. These pageants have negative emotional, physical outcomes, and can cause problems in the future of these contestants. Thus, beauty pageants may seem positive to many people, but they can have negative outcomes.
Many argue that beauty pageants are good on a child’s self-esteem and confidence. Confidence and self-esteem are important aspects in young children while going through their childhood stages. Supporters of beauty pageants for young children also believe beauty pageants help in the child’s confidence, will help in future public speaking, and being in front of crowds. However, these ideas can be immature in some cases. It is said that adults do not remember being under the age of three so how would these pageants help a child in the future if they decide to stop doing pageants and move on to something else, as most of them do. These youngsters can also become overly confident and have t...

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...lopmental process of growing up. Beauty pageants for young children are not only physically damaging and could lead to bad outcomes in a child’s future. Young beauty pageants may seem positive to many people, but they can have negative outcomes which may affect a child in physical and emotional ways. Take off the tiara, and let a child be a child.

Works Cited
"Children and Beauty Pageants." Children and Beauty Pageants.N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Nov. 2013.
"The Effects of Beauty Pageants and Cutest Baby Contests on Children." GoodTherapyorg Therapy Blog Beauty Pageants and Children Its Not Always Pretty Comments. N.p., n.d. Web.
29 Nov. 2013.
"Oh Where, Oh Where Have Those Early Memories Gone?: A Developmental Perspective on
Childhood Amnesia." N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Dec. 2013.
"The Ugly Truth to Child Beauty Pageants." Uloop.N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Nov. 2013

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