Young Adult Criminal Behavior Analysis

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From the beginning of the course, I read each unit and prepared my posting for that week. I tried to post it before the weekend, so my peers have enough time to read and respond to it. I engaged in each week discussion by commenting on my group posting also responded to their feedback. Unit 01: I watched the video about Newt Gringrich said adolescence is a failed cultural model, and young people need to shift more quickly from childhood to adulthood. I wrote down about my reaction to the video and my disagreement. Unit 02 activity I used the library’s online search resources, and I found an article on a topic related to adolescence which I picked the study research about Does proper nutrition = good behavior? Does diet affect the young adult criminal behavior? I explained how the research conducted Who were the participants and how they have selected the study? I also Commented objectively on the case study. Unit 03: I watched Mr. Peter Benson's video about “Sparks” and answered the question about the distinction between the internal and external assets. I also commented on parent’s role in identifying and nourishing their teenager’s spark and helping them to find their way by doing what they love to do. Unit 04: systemic assessment for writing the fit circle for the first attempt I wrote about achieving High self-esteem and for the second attempt I wrote about Academic Success in Immigrant Students and the systemic factors.

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