Yosemite National Park Research Paper

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Yosemite and National Parks
National Parks play a large part in our country’s history. In the mid-1800s, a group of people wanted to preserve the national treasures, the wilderness. Among these people was John Muir who once said “Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountains is going home; that wildness is a necessity” . In 1872 Ulysses S Grant made Yellowstone national park the first national park. The parks are cared for by the National Park Service. They receive a budget every year that the president creates. The National Park Service works to maintain the park and keep it safe, clean, and in shape. President Theodore Roosevelt was a large advocate for the National Parks and has many quotes about the Parks includeing said, “For the benefit and enjoyment of the people”. When President Roosevelt said this he was speaking about how the …show more content…

It was established on October 1, 1890. It was first put under the protection of California during the Civil War. European visitors demanded that the park be protected from settlers moving westward. In Yosemite, there is a mine named Golden Crown Mine. The route this mine is on was used by Lieutenant Tredwell Moore during the Mariposa Indian War. Lieutenant Moore used this route while fleeing the Indians that were pursuing him(nps.gov). Yosemite has the largest waterfall In North America, Yosemite falls is over 2,000 feet taller than Niagara falls. This park is also home to the half dome. The half dome formation is 8,839ft tall and looks like half of a dome(militarymuseum.org). Josiah Whitney described the half dome as “..perfectly inaccessible, being probably the only one of all the prominent points about Yosemite which has never been and will never be trodden by human foot”, however just seven years later George G. Anderson became the first person to ever ascend the half

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