Yangsi Research Paper

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“The probability of a person being born with dwarfism is about 1 in 20,000,” says Maestro, “so the Yangsi village is a clear statistical anomaly if it turns out that there are no other external factors at play.” In the Sichuan province of southwestern China, a village is perched high in the mountains, with 40% of its residents being dwarves; the tallest being 3 feet 10 inches, and the shortest being 2 feet 1 inch. Yangsi has only 80 residents as of 2018, however, 36 of them have achondroplasia. Seeing as the reason for the rare defect is still unknown, the dwarf village of Yangsi is consequently a largely confusing unsolved mystery. Yangsi used to have a much larger population; in fact, at one point there was said to have been around 119 dwarfs residing in the village. “Dr. Karyl Robin Evans – an English scientist claimed that he actually saw a few hundred dwarfs in the area where the Village of Dwarfs is located. He made his claim in 1947, which is 4 years prior to the official discovery.” (Baidya) Through the years, the children with the defect started suffering other birth defects and disabilities; thus, causing the population to dwindle. Notwithstanding the …show more content…

Older villagers claim that the stunted growth was caused by the Japanese releasing toxic gases on the town when they invaded China during World War II. Ordinarily, this may seem like a possible idea, yet it becomes apparent that this cannot be the cause when you learn that the Japanese did not come anywhere near Yangsi during the war. (Maestro) Alternatively, others in the city believe that it is their ancestors that have brought the disease to the village due to a lack of proper burials. Others think that the areas bad Feng Shui is the cause. (Baidya) Regardless of the many theories, science has yet to actually discover the reason due to the Chinese government disallowing foreigners to visit the

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