Write An Essay On The Impact Of Military Deployment On Children

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The Truth: Impact of Combat Deployment on Children and Families

Did you know that nearly one-third of military children score as “high risk” for child psychosocial morbidity, which means a lack of ability to function normally in social groups. This rate is 2.5 times higher than the national average. My goal is to educate you on the impacts deployment has on military children and how military resiliency training can help families stay strong and supportive of each other during stressful times, reducing the psychosocial impacts on military children. Allow me to share some facts and information from the Military.com website regarding the impacts of deployment on military children and families and how resiliency training can lower the effects. …show more content…

About 30% reported feeling sad or hopeless almost every day for 2 weeks during the past 12 months. Nearly 1 in 4 reported having considered suicide.
• Multiple and prolonged deployment also has an effect on spouses, with 36.6% of women having at least one mental health diagnosis compared to 30% of women whose husbands were not deployed.
• Nearly 20% of service members in Iraq and Afghanistan experience acute stress, depression, and/or anxiety.

The effects of war can extend far beyond the deployed service member. Children and families can struggle with changes resulting from an absent parent or spouse. Military children, particularly children of parents who are deployed, require special support to help them develop skills and abilities for coping with military life. Family members of a deployed military member are affected by the common stress reactions that occur after a service member spends time in a combat zone. Military family resiliency strategy helps children and families learn not just to meet challenges but also to become stronger in the face of challenges. The ability of military families to build resilience and overcome these barriers if deployment is critical for the family to deal with stress associated with multiple deployments, combat stress, and visible and invisible

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