Write An Essay On Sexism In Schools

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Favoritism and Sexism in School
In schools today, it has become more apparent that schools are geared more towards girls than boys. A common explanation is that girls tend to plan ahead more than boys do. Many people also believe the education system is prejudiced against boys. As a male pupil, it has become more apparent that females have a smoother, easier time in the classroom for many different reasons. Boys, from a young age, develop slower than girls biologically and psychologically. Studies have shown that boys need positive male role models and yet the school system is dominated by female teachers. The expectations for boys are almost always higher leaving them automatically at a loss.
Boys' brains and bodies do not develop at the same rate as girls'. Male students' motor and cognitive skills take longer to mature than that of female students. This makes it much harder for boys to want to sit still for long periods and learn. Girls find it easier to raise their hand, wait their turn, and be patient; however, the way schools …show more content…

It is not advantageous for boys that in classrooms across the nation most of the teachers in today's school system are female. Female teachers tend to promote and favor female students because they appear to be more dedicated, but in reality boys have had a more difficult journey getting to the same point the female students are at. The teachers will assume that the males are just not as advanced as the female students. These boys are then stuck with labels such as lazy or inadequate. The cycle of prejudice continues. Male teachers tend to be more understanding of this inequality in teaching. They understand more easily the pressure that boys are under to measure up to girls, but they also realize that boys weren't offered the same ease in success. The overwhelming majority of female teachers is another reason school systems are geared towards females rather than

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