Women's Fight for Suffrage in America

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America was supposed to treat everyone equally, although, when the country was founded, women were excluded from the right to vote. It was socially unacceptable. Women were continually taught, from a very young age, that they weren’t mature enough, or mentally capable of making decisions for themselves. This was an injustice to women, and, in order for them to gain justice, they had to fight for their right to vote, a right that should’ve been given to them from the beginning. The U.S. Constitution was adopted and signed in September, 1787. It had 10 amendments originally, bur since 1787, 17 amendments have been added, making a grand total of 27 amendments. One of these amendments was the 14th Amendment, which was ratified in 1868. Section …show more content…

At this point, they were simply fighting for social acceptance. Brave women began to give public speeches about their opinions on slavery and women’s rights. These women included Ernestine Rose, Abby Kelley Foster, and Lucy Stone. Several women also attempted to vote, but were either turned down or arrested for violating the law. About a decade later, the first National Women’s Rights Convention took place, due the fact that women’s suffrage had begun to become a very well-known concept among America’s female population. As suffrage continued, several suffrage organizations were established, two of which were on the national level. Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton co-lead one, while Lucy Stone lead the other. Both groups were rivals for years, even though they both wanted primarily the same thing. Eventually, the two groups became allies and merged in the 1890, under the name National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA) with Anthony as the leader. By 1916, a woman named Alice Paul formed the National Women’s Party (WWP). Unfortunately, over 200 of its supporters were arrested while picketing …show more content…

An article called “The 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: Women’s Right To Vote” on www.archive.org says: “Few early supporters lived to see final victory in 1920.” But, if it weren’t for the first suffragists, we might not be where we are today. Because of them, women are treated more like human beings and less like livestock. Women can now vote freely, can play in female sports leagues, can work pretty much any job, or not work a job at all. America is now a far cry from where it was in the beginning. Life, for both the male and female populations, is equal and just. Although America wasn’t created equal to women, it is now. Women can now vote freely and do all the things men can do. The prolonged war for justice for women’s right to vote is over, a right that should’ve been given to them in the very beginning, has been given to them now. America now really is the home of the free and the home of the

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