Women's Rights Dbq

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The enlightenment was without a doubt enlightened. During this time period we saw many changes in our world. Things such as new government systems and ideas of law were formed. Women's rights began to come into question and more people paid attention of the lack of basic rights they had. Some people went even as far as to question people's humanity and what rights and freedoms should be guaranteed to all people regardless of race or religion. As the enlightenment unfolded more and more people began to get an education and learn how to read. Due to this spike in education and knowledge the general population was getting smarter over all. With this intelligence the people started to pay more attention to the government around them. Seen in docs 2 amd 16 People would conven and discuss the grievances they had with their governments and how to solve them. Discussing things such as the ¨freedom of men under government¨ in doc 1. Or the separation of powers shown in doc 6. This development is irrefutable …show more content…

As more and more people began to discuss basic human rights they began to be more specific. In doing so they started to address women's rights. As Daniel Defoe started in doc 4. Women were denied the luxury of education that men had. Or in doc 5 when Émilie Du Châtelet said ¨I would have all women participate in all human rights¨. These documents show that although woman did not have or gain the same rights as men during the time. The people did start to draw attention and actually discuss the idea of equal rights among both men and women. Some strides were made for women however, In the form of salons. In doc 22 you can see a woman hosting a meeting in a salon. The peopous of these meetings was to show off the work and art woman made during the time. By doing this men could begin to see that woman were in fact equal in skill and ability to men in many

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