Women Adrift Analysis

1168 Words3 Pages

Barry Robertson
September 21st, 2015
History 4010
Dr. Fernández
Women Adrift Essay
Women Adrift by Joanne J. Meyerowitz portrays the life of women who had moved to Chicago between 1880-1930. Chicago provided many unique opportunities for women who had grown up across the United States in rural environments. The new economic sector of Chicago allowed for many people to find work and move from the outside country life, to the more urbanized metropolis that was Chicago. This also allowed for a new interdependence for women who had once lived in the country and journeyed away from the farms in hopes of finding work in Chicago. Meyerowitz’ Women Adrift helps capture the struggles of the women wage worker who often took a leap of faith leaving her home life in hopes of finding a new life in the great urban city of Chicago. Meyerowitz argues that Chicago provided new opportunities for women, dispelled the idea of the Victorian woman, and the exploitation of the women wage earners. …show more content…

The first main reason for such migration is also the most obvious, employment. Chicago offered a multitude of jobs which varied from Dressmakers, Seamstresses, and Tailors in 1880 to Nurses, Laundresses, and Saleswoman in 1910. These new jobs allowed women to gain a freedom that they had not been able to achieve out in the countryside. Women could now be in control of their own money and livelihood without having to rely on their family. Employment was not the only reason however; some women were forced from their homes for sexual activity that the family deemed immoral. Some women also left their families in hopes of find a better life for

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