William Shakespeare's Hamlet

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In the mind of an individual there is a battle between inner choices and outside pressure from the society when both are in the opposite poles, a battle in which in which well being can be lost or found. In the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare, the unpropitious hero Hamlet is negatively influenced by demands and enters into a mental dilemma, as he is unable to decide whether he should follow his inner voice and kill his father’s murderer, or whether he should be a law abiding citizen and respect the new king and follow his policies. When individual’s choices conflicts with external demands, individuals will not be able to have good personal life, and chances to become indecisive, which ultimately leads to the downfall of the individual like Hamlet’s tragic end.
In the throes of demands Hamlet’s personal life becomes a failure. In Hamlet’s case, his romantic relationship fails, he had a faulty relationship with his mother, his uncle, and his childhood friends, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. His relationship was ruined because of his catastrophic mind, which was pulled on one by internal thirst to avenge his father’s murderer and from the other side which is to be good Dutch prince with loyalty to the new king. Personally I also have not been able to enjoy my life when I am unable to decide. When I am faced with a crisis, I do not think more about the relationship with others, but give more attention to solve the crisis in my view point which will not be proved as good solution which causes happiness. This is the same thing that happened to Hamlet. When individuals are in a problematic situation, they will fail to pursue long standing personal happiness, as mind is pulled from two extreme ends. A mind which is being pulled will nev...

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...h like Hamlet I also have failed when the multiple choices on “Scantron” pulls my mind against each other. There isn’t anybody to help Hamlet to prove Laertes that he did not kill Polonius intentionally. If he had friends who could prove to Laertes the play would not have ended as a tragedy, but because of his failure in relationships- failure in personal life Hamlet loses the battle. Unless there isn’t anybody to guide or torch when stress and indecisiveness overcome a man, that man will fail like the unpropitious Hamlet.
Hamlet fails as a prince and as an individual because he was under stress, indecisiveness as he surrendered to the soldier, the battle of inner voice and the external roar, which led to his downfall. Hamlet wanted to kill Claudius; finally he lost his life also. Double thinking is good but if it prolonged as unending it is destructive in result.

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