How Is Macbeth Innocent

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People, no matter how seemingly innocent, have the ability to turn evil at any given moment. Humans have a natural tendency to commit sins due to greed and selfish acts against others. In the play Macbeth, by William Shakespeare, Macbeth, a once noble thane, slowly grew to be the most hated in all of Scotland. Throughout the play the King Duncan speaks very highly of him and entrusts Macbeth with power he wouldn’t normally have. This as a result to the execution of the thane of Cawdor for treason and Macbeth gains his wealth and power. This is the point where he begins to be consumed by his ambition and leads him to murder the completely innocent to become and stay king. Macbeth gradually enter deeper states of malevolence after the acts of killing King Duncan and his guards, killing Banquo, and killing Macduff’s family. First and foremost the death of King Duncan is the first physical act in which Macbeth shows the extent of his ambitions. Lady Macbeth tempted and convinced Macbeth by challenging his love for her and his manhood. Macbeth overlooked how selfish the act and simply desired the power and authority that came with being king. …show more content…

The reason for this being because Banquo was present when three witches foretold that Macbeth would be king and found it dubious that the king had been murdered. Macbeth, in response, attempts to murder Banquo and his son Fleance, but only manages to kill Banquo. Macbeth at this point has seemed to have lost fear and is going on slaughtering anyone who dares oppose him, regardless if they are friend or foe. He has also descended in a deeper point of insanity as show in Act III Scene iv when Macbeth visions Banquo’s ghost in his dining room that no one but him is able to see. The other thanes are present at this event and have the psychological change in Macbeth, and they are able to see he isn’t

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