William Howard Taft Dbq

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William Howard Taft was born in Cincinnati, Ohio on September 15, 1857. Mr. Taft attended and graduated from Yale University in 1878; where he went to law school in 1880 and became a public official attorney. While during his years of accomplishments from being a …show more content…

The Republican platform maintained the status quo, which was to preserve the protective tariff, uphold the gold standard, and increase foreign trade. At the time of the election there was not as many things new going on but just events that had been continuing since the 1800’s and still has not had some type of resolution. The Panama Canal and the women’s suffrage act was the major events occurring that could possibly be the reasons of Americans influences on the ballot box. The Panama Canal was designed to help with Americans and British leaders and businessmen shipping goods quickly and cheaply between the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. This is one of the important projects that was being created since the 1500’s back with King Charles of Spain. Women’s suffrage act had a lot of down falls but never gave up. During the time period of President Taft election there was a march for women’s rights in New York City with nearly over 3,000 women boycotting. With these events occurring American people were more focused on who could help resolve the issues that has been going on for almost a decade. A president that could best meet their needs and not be fully caught up with the less important things in …show more content…

President Theodore Roosevelt was honoring a promise not to seek a third term and persuaded his close friend, Howard Taft that was the Secretary of War at the time to become his successor. Unfortunately, Taft lacked political abilities and it showed that being a president was not his thing. When he won he made the best of it and did not rerun for the following election in 1913. William Bryan badly being defeated two consecutive times in a row by William McKinley he seemed to still be popular amongst the public. Despite running a vigorous campaign against the nation's business elite, Bryan suffered the worst loss in his three presidential campaigns, and Taft won by a comfortable

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