Wild Animal Captivity

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Siberian Tigers are one of the most endangered animals in the world. The Shenyang Forest Wild Animal zoo that was housing Siberian Tigers allowed Eleven of the tigers to die by saying the food was too expensive to provide for them (Copeland). Animal captivity allows endangered animals stay safe and they can breed to keep the species going. It also helps sick animals get the help that they need, but animal captivity sometimes causes animals to fall into depression and become sick. In animal captivity people like to abuse and injure the animal, which is not ok. Wild animals should not be kept and bred in captivity because animals live shorter lives, and animals in zoos are mistreated. Some people think that animal captivity saves animals and helps keeps the species thriving. This way of thinking is understandable because they are in a safe, protected place which can do little harm. With this in mind most animals may not benefit from being held in captivity. For example, When you are at a zoo and see animals pacing in their cage it means they are distressed (5 secrets zoos). Animals often walk far distances each day in the wild, but there is little room in their enclosure. It is true that animal captivity might save endangered species, …show more content…

Animals in zoos are being mistreated by not being fed properly, not taken care of, and being abused. A bear was locked up at Toledo Zoo for hibernation with no food and no water. The bear was put to hibernate on November 17th and was found dead on December 4th. Research shows Bears can usually go 100 days without food during hibernation but when the zoo thought he was hibernating he really wasn’t (Rear Bear Starved). The zoo should know when the animal is actually going into hibernation, their stupid mistakes caused a rare bear to die. Animal abuses causes animals to die which is the opposite point of a zoo, which are made to save the

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