Why Would A Woman Be More Nurturing Than A Man?

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Why would a woman be more nurturing than a man? Why would they thrive more at home than men? These questions are asked and debated by numerous psychologists today and all come to a different conclusion. Some believe it has to do with how the women’s brains work, and some believe that it has to do with how their bodies were designed. Either way, women are better stay at home parents because they are naturally better at nurturing. First and foremost, there are several chemicals and hormones that cause a woman to feel love, protective and bonded with her child. Oxytocin and Dopamine have an extensive part in causing a mother to bond with her child and vice versa. They’re both hormones and are released into the woman’s body throughout her pregnancy. Oxytocin and Dopamine are referred to as the love chemicals and that is exactly what they do; they send …show more content…

It just means they show their affection or care in a different way. I know some women who married later in life and can’t have children; however, they either have a pet that they love and take care of or they love and nurture through their job. Teachers may support and bond stronger with certain students. In other jobs where there isn’t a young enough person to be your child, there may be a young intern or young co-worker that you bond with. Yes, men can be nurturing, my own father would probably dote on me more when I am sick than my mom would. However, that doesn’t always mean men would be better stay at home parents. My siblings and I have a strong relationship with my mom and tell her more things than we do my dad. She handles all of my schedule changes and my siblings schedules with greater ease than my dad ever could. That is why women are better stay at home parents because they already have this physical need to nurture met by their children and vice

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