Why We Should Have Fees In Colleges

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I picked questions 3 for this discussion. I do feel the only way for colleges, universities and student governments on campus to get around free rider problem is to require fees for many campus services. Student activity fees, technology fees and other compulsory fees ensure that no one can free ride. I think that fees should be charged to those who use them, it’s only fair. If you want to use the service then pay for them, it wouldn’t be fair if the whole group would have to pay for services you personally use. Or it could be all members should be charged a membership fee, but charged extra for added benefits. The more benefits needs the higher the fee, like car insurance, we either get liability or full coverage. Then there’s added fees for full coverage with higher car coverage. The best way to start this group is to have trial periods, which will let the individuals try out the services that they could have …show more content…

Not only will it give rewards for doing something you strongly believe in, from affiliating yourself with a purpose to which you are deeply committed. Where you can express values and beliefs you believe in committed for a great cause. Then you can also be part of group activities and social interactions with the group, so you would get the best of both worlds. Then for extra efforts or very active members they can have material benefits. For example: If one is always present and participating in meetings, they can either be in a raffle to win a backpack with the group’s logo filled with stuff or it can be presented to them at one of the meeting for being one of the most active member. Everyone loves incentives and in my opinion incentives always pull people in and gives them motivation to do great. Being rewarded for your job well done, is a great way to keep members happy and motivated to do

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