Why Sports Are Important To Me Research Paper

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Throughout all of my high school days, athletics have definitely taken its toll on me. However, being a part of the never ending practices, sweat drenched games, and hot summer workouts has allowed me to learn some of the best lessons I'll ever learn in life. By participating in sports, I have picked up many good qualities that I will use at this busy time in my life and all throughout my life. Lessons such as working together as a team to accomplish a goal have been taught to me by coaches and experienced with my teammates. Sports have given me a competitive edge that will also be useful in these next few years of my life. However, taking part in athletics has also taught me life lessons that have really made me think of my work ethic, sports have taught me to work hard for everything, and not take anything for granted. One major key that I've learned throughout my athletic career is the importance of effective teamwork. Although it is sometimes better to work by oneself, tasks seem to get done quicker and better when people work together. In today's world, the ability to work as a team and manage and work alongside others is an essential skill in almost any field. Competition is in every part of life and needs to dealt with every day. Sports have …show more content…

The team was just a way for all of us to get back into the groove of thing and these spring ball games was a chance to work on our game. I was doing just that and even seemed to be in prime shape and at the top of my game. While I was gleaming in my success, I began to get more and more excited for the summer ball I would play with my actual school team and even the regular season. Just as fate would have it, all of this came to a sudden end. On the last day of our tournament, I was side swiped by an opposing player and my ACL was torn to almost

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