Why Should Illegal Immigrants Be Banned

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Should illegal immigrants be banned? 1.0 Introduction: Opening: Illegal immigrants are actually blessing to the United States but at the same time, there is also a burden to the United States. Definition: Illegal immigrants are people who migrate from poor country to rich country to work for a living. They sneak into a country by migrating across the security border of a country illegally. They enter the country illegally to favour the welfare given by the government in the US such as council tax benefit, housing benefit, and health treatment benefit. (Barry Chiswick, 1988 ) Current situation: There are 41 million foreign-born people in the United States in 2014.44% of them became citizens naturally.24% were legal permanent residents.29% were unauthorized migrants.3 percent were temporary legal residents. These temporary legal residents were consisting of students or temporary workers. More than 80% of undocumented immigrants have been living in the United States for more than 5 years. (Center, 2015) Thesis statement: First of …show more content…

However, If employers hire locals, they have to follow the terms and conditions made the government like the minimum wages and labour laws and working time. On the other hand, employers often favour illegal immigrants over locals as they can gain more profit if they do so. This cause the locals to remain unemployed. (Passel, 2013)When employees are more willing to hire illegal immigrants, the overall pay will definitely drop seriously. These harms are directly impacting the poor one in the country. Low-income household becomes poorer because their job opportunities were stolen by the illegal immigrants. (Passel, 2013) A research shows that 11.9 million number of illegal aliens in the workforce. In California, 1,887,695 jobs were taken by the illegal immigrants and 537,295 jobs were taken in New York. (s,

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