Why Should Huck Finn Be Taught In High Schools

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Dear readers, In my English 11 class we have read The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. This book has proven to be controversial over the years and still holds an arguement weather it is appropriate to teach in high schools nationwide.

Mark Twain’s use of dialect and colloquial language is very strong in the characters of this book. Nationwide there has been an argument of whether or not this text is appropriate for highschool students studying American Literature. Schools should continue teaching Huckleberry Finn to high school students because of its distinguishing dialect.

One reason why high schools should keep Huckleberry Finn apart of the curriculum is because Mark Twain’s dialect and colloquial language leads to an overall realism and vividness to the story. Because it is sometimes hard to decipher the characters speech while reading, we are almost forced to read aloud or hear the voices in our head. The way the characters speak is closely related to that character's status in society. Huck who has been raised in poverty and never really been civilized, speaks with a rougher and more uneducated sounding speech than that of Tom. …show more content…

Mark twain choses to use the ‘’n’’ word not because it causes controversy, but because he wanted to capture the truthful colloquial style of the time. During this time the n word was used for people of color and didn’t hold the hateful intent that it does now. It is essential to the novel because it is meant to represent its realistic common usage of this era. Huck could refer to Jim in such a manner and still consider him a friend; today this concept would not be taken as

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