Why Should Backpacks Be Allowed In Class

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Everyday there is a chance that students can forget something that they need in their backpacks which are in their lockers, but if backpacks were allowed in class then students would not have to miss out on what was being taught to get what they need from their lockers, so we should be able to bring backpacks because it would be faster to access the things we need. Teachers should allow students to bring their backpacks in class because it would be easier them taking them to their lockers. In a student’s view is that they should be able to bring their backpacks in class because they might have to turn in some papers if it was late, or missed the other day and it helps keep some personal items more accessible if no one wants to see them. They should be able to carry their backpack in class it makes it easier for transitioning between classes because they will have everything there with them in their backpack and not in their locker. …show more content…

Another reason to allow backpacks is obviously there is not enough time between classes to get everything. In ¬¬¬Backpacks are Necessary for Being Prepared and Should Not be Banned in the classroom by Olivia Graham said, “Students would be minutes late to class, and the teacher may have to repeat what he has already begun

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