Why Seniors Should Not Attend College

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Throughout the whole U.S., seniors will be graduating high school in June. Many of these students have decided to continue their education by attending college, or they will decide not to and pursue other interests or get a job. It is often perceived that those who receive at least a bachelor's degree are better off in life compared to those in their class that decided not to go to college. Many people that decide not to attend college end up unemployed and become unable to earn any money. These former seniors will also be unable to experience the social situations to gain a sense of diversity; however, many argue that going to college gives the former senior too much debt and that they will be more successful without college. Many disagree …show more content…

When seniors graduate from college, it is common sight when they are unable to find a job within the career that they studied for. After graduating, many students are seen “coming out of college settling for a job they didn’t want”(Stephens). The former seniors spend 4 more years of education on a career they wish to pursue. Often, it appears that the students are unable to find jobs that apply towards the career they studied for. Because of this, they end up with jobs that hardly pay them and will not take them anywhere in life; this also causes difficulty when keeping financial stability. College is an option that is not cheap. Many people pay a large amount of money for tuition, room and board, and etc. This all adds up to a large debt because many people cannot pay for all of the fees themselves. As times have changed, many students are “grasping the fundamentals to synthesizing entire class loads, without the burden of crushing unforgivable debt”(Stephens). This is showing that there are other options to obtaining education without all of the debt that comes along with it. The alternative options allow others to save money and provide for their families. The debt that the people will acquire will take years to pay off college no matter what career the senior will take on after …show more content…

Attending college sets up success for the graduating seniors. A woman who decided to go back to college ended up majoring “in finance, and now has a good job at an investment firm”; because of this, she was able to to pay off her debt quicker(“Is college worth it? Higher education”). Although the woman’s, debt increased when she made the decision to go back to college, she can easily able to pay it off because she acquired a higher paying job. Unlike those in her class that have dead end jobs, she has received more success based on this decision alone which has provided her with great economic opportunity. People who at least received their bachelor’s degree have a stable job; however, people who just have the high school diploma do not earn much money. After graduating college, the seniors that choose practical careers have no trouble paying off debt. If the graduating seniors attends college, “The true cost of a college degree is about negative $500,00… Over the long run… not going to college will cost you half a million dollars”(Leonhardt). It is true that initially, attending college will cost the seniors a lot of money. Nevertheless, the seniors that choose a practical major to study are capable of paying off the debt that they owe

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