Why Poverty Children Should Not Be Denied Education

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Poverty Children Should Not Be Denied Education
Education should never be denied to any child regardless of sex, race, age, or even what country they live in. Education is such an important aspect of life that is needed to be retained to shape a successful future. The issue that is being brought forth pertains to children in poor countries that are not receiving any kind of education. There are several things that are holding poor countries back such as lack of funding in education, having no teachers and no classroom or materials are available.(Global Citizen) In order to help decrease the population of children not receiving education other countries need to step in and save the children's lives. The United States education program as …show more content…

As well as having that opportunity of receiving a good education. It not fair that the children being raised in poor countries don't have a chance of becoming educated and bettering their life. "Almost 70 million children across the world are prevented from going to school each day." (Jessica Shephard) The children being raised in these countries such as Somalia and Eritrea do not get a choice in life to be successful. An education correspondent states "Somalia has the least functional system in the world with just 10% of children going to primary school, while Eritrea is second worst." (Jessica Shephard) How can the these innocent children ever better their lives without any kind of education background or knowledge being provided? Some kind of education program needs to step up and prevent this injustice act from occurring. States and Countries that have high percentage of children receiving education, should have enough cushion in finances to help decrease the percentage of poverty stricken children not receiving education at least by a quarter. Although, it is not these other States and Countries responsibility to help poverty stricken countries. The overall point would be together they all make up the world and should want to better that by providing others with appropriate …show more content…

As you transition from a child to adult it is important to find a good reliable job. It does not matter if this job requires a college degree, basic education skills are still needed. An education can allow them to learn skills that will be looked for whenever applying for a job. "For every extra year of primary school, a girl’s wages increase on average 10 – 20 percent."(The advantage of receiving a good education is increasing the chances of getting a job somewhere outside the poverty country. This specific advantage could change the life's of so many. Another thought, if a certain percentage will learn the education skills then they can continue on and teach others the basics. The importance of education plays the greatest role on work force around the entire role as well. If millions of children in poor countries are not receiving education then there will be nobody in the future to work all these jobs that are needed to keep the world going on a daily basis. Remember everyone deserves the opportunity to branch out and start a life adventure that will fill all their days with success and

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