Why Personal Budget Is Important

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A personal budget and is a way for individuals to show and analyze spending habits, save money and develop a plan. Set up guidelines and goals to reduce over spending to be successful saving money. Decide what is necessary and what is nonessential to survival and personal growth. Achieve good credit as a habit, which will save or lower interest rates on purchases. To budget payments to stay below net income is essential.

Why is saving important you ask? Because the average person has to pay bills monthly, has goals to move forward in life, and needs money to survive. The importance to save part of the monthly wage and fund necessities required to live. Necessities are considered to be shelter, electricity, water, food and clothing. Consider first how much money is made a month when finding a place to live. Find a place that is affordable along with other expenses. …show more content…

Figure and set up payment dates that coincide with the dates of the paycheck. Payments should be distributed between each paycheck. Many businesses will adjust due dates to be helpful in payment management. Set up automatic payroll deduction that allocates to a saving account. Make sure money is saved from every paycheck. Enroll in employer 401k a savings plan that saves a percentage of income and matched with funds by the employer for retirement.

Take control and keep track of spending. Make sure to check bank account balances and keep records. Choose a high interest saving account to earn the most on income saved. Decide what is essential or considered a luxury. Save for items that you want. Planning for unexpected events by saving to have extra funds when needed. Be aware of any consequences in purchases before spending that money. Smart spenders, find bargains and savings by comparing prices before you buy any item. Learn how to save and budget every month when bills need to be paid. Saving is common sense and

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