Obesity Persuasive Essay

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Obesity has become an epidemic in our country, so much so that not only adults are suffering from it but also children. Unfortunately, not many people are very informed about what living a healthy life is, and how once you get through the beginning it becomes a much easier. Therefore, to help counteract this we shall help get information on the negatives of obese living, and the positives of living a healthy life, to the people. We will use an advertisement to target multiple individuals and families throughout the United States. This is best done through television ads, as all that is needed is for the ads to be played through multiple channels, so that people see them multiple times a day. This will, as previously stated, help get rid of …show more content…

The first way is by using Central Route Persuasion (CRP), which is a very common way of persuasion already used on television. All that you do to persuade viewers is using facts, statistics, or any proven material, that helps show what you want to persuade them to is either good or bad. The second way is by using Peripheral Route Persuasion (PRP), is also very common as well. This type of persuasion does not use facts, but instead tries to get people to feel a certain emotion to the problem, making it a more emotional approach to the problem. Both of these can be used in ways to target obesity in a negative way persuading them to go for a healthy …show more content…

The scene will start with groups of children playing football in a field, and the children playing are full of mixed children different sizes. The children then run to their parents, they are being given drinks all of which show water bottles and unfortunately a few are given soda. The view then shows how the parents look, giving an obvious difference between the parents. The narrator is talking through each scene saying the benefits of playing outside at a young age, but then when it goes to the parents handing out drinks it then goes on to how parents control how their children will end up. Saying, “They may be playing with friends and being active now, but giving them things such as sports drinks, sodas, or any junk item could change that. Constant consumption of unhealthy items leads to an unhealthy life style, which leads to a very risky life. Obviously, that is not what you would want for your child. Is it?” This is trying to get people to understand that being unhealthy at a young age can change your life. This will also in turn give the feeling that if you would not give it to children why would you give it to yourself, hopefully relaying a message for all

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