Why Nonviolent Felons Should Not Be Treated Unfairly

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Why Non Violent Felons Should Not Be Treated Unfairly
ROUGH DRAFT In the past, non violent felons have experienced relatively unfair treatment compared to violent felons. Even today, there is still a bigger percentage of non violent convicts being sentenced rather than violent felons. It appears that some are receiving long and harsh sentences, which are more extreme than usual, such as being sentenced to 45 years of jail for the crimes of fraud and theft. Since most nonviolent offenders do not commit crimes that are as severe as violent offenders, they should not be subjected to sentences, penalties, and treatments that do not match the severity of their crimes. Nonviolent felons are criminals who commit crimes that do not involve physical …show more content…

. . having professional status or specialized technical skills." … White-collar regulatory offenses is the violation of federal regulations and laws other than those listed above, including import and export (not including drug offenses), antitrust, transportation, food and drug, labor and agricultural offenses.” (Bureau of Justice Statistics 1). Nonviolent criminals commit crimes that do not involve violence in any form or way. Some nonviolent felons are given lengthy jail sentences for crimes that do not cause harm to the victim or the victim's’ possessions. “On February 16, 2006, Richard P. Adelson was convicted of securities fraud, deceit, and conspiracy in connection with the overstatement of corporate earnings at Impath… Prosecutors told the court that federal sentencing guidelines called for a prison sentence of 85 years: life without …show more content…

While that argument may make sense, the resources invested into the penalties actually have a negative impact on everybody who is involved. “Many experts in criminal law feel the multi-decade sentences being handed down today are excessive. "They are absurd, and a waste of time and money," says Roger Williams University's David Zlotnick.” (Norton 3). Because of the fact that it makes no sense to punish non violent felons severely, the valuable resources will go to

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