Why My Keys Are Important To Me

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I carry so many things from countless responsibilities and pressure to work hard and succeed to the insignificant things like worrying about my presence. The tangible and most important item I carry are my keys. I understand that so many people carry keys and many people respond with always having them, but my keys are truly irreplaceable and extremely substantial. My jet black oval with a silver outline and buttons essentially controls my whole world. My parents both leave for work in the morning and I am the oldest of four kids so my keys not only serve a purpose to me, but to my whole family. Below is a simplified version of my daily schedule so you can grasp the extreme importance of my car keys. I start the morning leaving at 7:30 …show more content…

I have two big fears about being around people and I cannot let them go and they might seem silly to you, but they make my heart rate double. I am scared to smell bad and to irritate people. Even typing these words looks silly, but they are two things I genuinely think about constantly since I am so afraid to do both. I know that I one hundred percent irritate a lot of people and there are most definitely people at this school that hate me. The way I believe I have avoided being smelly or trying not to annoy people is never standing close to anyone and not talking. I try not to talk at school because I don’t want people to think I am annoying. I have been told many times that I shouldn’t talk and that my voice is weird and I hate making people upset so I just keep quiet for the most part. I want to be that girl who is outgoing, confident and people want to talk to her… but instead I have a handful of friends and I keep to myself. People avoid talking to me and no one reaches out to me because I unknowingly give off a avoid me vibe. Internally I am very social, caring and have a good sense of humor, but I am to scared to be myself so I have decided it’s better to just be

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