Why Is The Catholic Church Important In The Middle Ages

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During the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church was the biggest and most important in the Roman Empire. Mostly everyone was Catholic during this time. The Roman Catholic Church had an immense amount of Religious, Economic, and Political power.
The Church during the middle ages had a significant amount of Religious power. One way they had religious power was because the people of the Church had to follow sacraments. There are a total of 7 sacraments, (Baptism, Confirmation, Marriage, Penance, Communion, Taking Care of Sick, and Holy Orders.) Members of this church had to follow these sacraments to get into heaven, and if they didn’t do some of these things, they would be excommunicated. Another way they had religious power was to that the members would have to follow these rules, and if they didn’t, they would be punished after death. Life was hard back then, and members of the church were looking forward to the afterlife. This is another way they had power was because the members dedicated their lives to the church. Apart from Religious power, the church also had a lot of economic power. …show more content…

One way the church had economic power was by collecting taxes. This is one way they became wealthy and were able to support the church. The members of the church also had to contribute 10% of their daily weekly income to the church. Another way the church had economic power was when they took Fiefs from Lords in exchange for services that were performed by the clergy. The church also had a lot of economic power because they became the single largest landowner in Europe during the middle ages. Owning a lot of land usually means that you have a significant amount of power. Apart from economic power, the church also had political

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