Why Is Illegal Immigration Unethical

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Illegal immigration is a pending issue in modern day America, and most Americans aren’t the biggest fans of illegal immigration. The Mexican-American border has become a huge controversy in today’s political affairs, it is still a very heated argument at this very moment in time. Although there are some benefits, the repercussions surpass any benefit; illegal immigrants in today’s world are taking jobs away, creating asthma and allergy problems for themselves here in America, but worst of all, all of the political leaders in today’s society are using the Mexican-American border as a tool to sway votes in their favor and giving the immigrants “free passes” to come through to the country without even having to pay taxes. Jobs and the U.S. economy …show more content…

“If you or I were to smuggle more than four boxes of Cuban cigars into America, we would face fines and jail time, yet our government aids millions of illegal immigrants” (The New American, 2014). It could be seen as unethical to be unfair like that to America’s own citizens, especially ones that have very strong nationalism as the people of America do. President Obama used opening the border for illegal immigrants as a political stunt for hispanic votes, which also could be viewed very unethical. Most people in the United States would rather their President be winning votes off of the real reasons he’s running, not stunts that target a certain group to “buy out” hispanic voters. “With 11 million people in the country illegally, ICE agents are now prohibited from arresting individuals solely on the charges of illegal entry or visa overstay-- the two most frequently violated sections of immigration law” (Mexican immigration to the United States, Jorge Durand). Now agents are not even allowed to do their job by deporting illegal immigrants, they were ordered to just leave them alone and not worry about them. On the other hand, some could argue that illegal immigrants do take an important role in our society. Most of them work minimum wage jobs that most Americans are too prideful to work themselves. Then again, those are just stereotypes and there is always someone looking for a job, especially younger

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