The Student Fear Factor Summary

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“The Student Fear Factor,” by Rebecca Cox In Rebecca cox, “The college fear Factor: How students and professors misunderstand one another”, in chapter two of her book she writes about an expression she calls “Total Fear Factor”. She has conducted this study between community colleges in diverse regions of the country and with a diverse range of students. Most of the students experienced fear and anxiety while being enrolled in college. High school for many students was far less complex and hurried and because of that, stress plays a huge roll in a college students educational achievement and goal outcome. The stress of once being in highschool to now being in college has a huge toll on a students well being. College is now more stressful and …show more content…

One that stood out to me the most was Melanie's, who was a recent high school graduate and had just made the immensely stressful transition to Lakeshore community college. She states, “ I never realized how fast college would be -- comparing one year of high school with one semester of college. Its really fast pacing. Like, i'm taking french right now and that has really kicked me in the bum. Because in highschool, you have two weeks to learn one section.” I was able to relate to what she was saying. College is very fast pace and highly stressful compared to how high school was. Students were able to take time on assignments, make time for assignments and not feel as if they are being pressured to know the answers immediately. Many teachers want assignments turned in a couple days after students barely learned the new material. In college everything is thrown at you and you are now expected to know exactly what to do and have the assignments completed on time. That alone can cause stress and can cause a student to feel as if they should just give …show more content…

Essentially students were afraid that the professor would irrevocably confirm their academic inadequacy.” She was speaking upon professors who have an “I am better than everyone” attitude. Students feel as if they cannot reach out for help because they will feel unintelligent. Students fear they are not meeting with the teachers wants for turning in assignments and as if their work is not good enough, feeling almost too embarrassed to submit assignments. They feel looked down upon by professors and are scared to speak up or ask questions about assignments. So instead they fall between the cracks and struggle their way through college. I was able to relate to that statement because there have been moments in college where I have had a fear to ask a teacher questions. A fear that they will tell me “I explained that topic in class already.” or “Were you not paying attention during the lecture?” I have heard teachers answer students with those exact words therefore I never wanted to ask questions about anything if I really did not understand the material. That alone can make a student feel as if they do not want to be a bother to the professor. A students own fear is what continuously inhibits them from college

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