Why Is Football Too Dangerous

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Some people are saying football is too rough and dangerous to play but what's new right? Football has always been considered dangerous and a hard sport but there's a reason why it has been played and watched since 1869 . People either love or hate football it seems like and personally football will always be safe enough to play a part in. In the 147 years football has been around only 1 death has occurred and it was because of a heart attack. Football is still a perfectly safe and fun sport. Football is a sport that basically creates a huge family just like any other sport it's brings families together either at home or to the stadium and if one watches the sport they love it and if someone doesn't watch it, they usually don't have a problem with it. Everyone that watches football usually really supports the game and even if someone like me that doesn't really watch football you still have no problem with the sport and can enjoy it on occasion. High School football maybe a little rough at times and a lot of injuries can happen but on field doctors and trainers have stopped the situations from intensifying. …show more content…

It can bring the whole family together especially at home or even on thanksgiving what is almost every family doing? Watching football and eating some good food it's just american and a big part of one of america's biggest holidays. There is no way better to put it then that, when it comes to american life it plays a huge role in almost everyone's life and it should in my opinion. In other countries football doesn't exist it's called football but here it's called soccer, the closest thing to football in a foreign country is rugby in my

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