Why Is Dharma Important To The Civil Rights Movement?

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“Dharanat dharma mityahu dharmo dhara-yate prajaha
Yat syad dharanasamyuktam sa dharma iti nischayaha.”

“Dharma sustains the society and Dharma maintains the social order. Dharma ensures well-being and progress of Humanity. Dharma is surely that which fulfils these objectives.”
As we trace back our Ancient Indian History, India was a cradle of progress. Our ancestors had developed wisdom in every aspect of civilized life. Whether it be science, mathematics, literature, art, architecture or Law. According to the chronological order of ancient Indian history the vedic age came soon after the decline of the Harappan civilization. The vedic period was believed to be around ca. 1500–500 BCE. The period was called so because the oldest scriptures, …show more content…

The Aranyakas and Upanishads contain some law, but mainly philosophy and ritual. The Sravta and Grihya Sutras come next and do spell out Aryan custom and rules relating to the social organization. The final stage in the evolution toward ancient Hindu law is the Dharmasutras. The Dharmasatra had been projected as proof that Indians were quite capable of organizing their own affairs justly and efficiently before the foreigners came, and without ‘oriental despotism’. The implication was that they were inherently capable of sharing in their own government, and even of monopolizing it, so rendering the Europeans superfluous. This mythology was based principally on the smrithis. Dharmauastra is a genre of Sanskrit texts and refers to the uastra, or Hindu branch of learning, pertaining to dharma, religious and legal duty. The voluminous textual corpus of Dharmauastra is primarily a product of the Brahmanical tradition in India and represents the elaborate scholastic system of an expert tradition. Because of its sophisticated jurisprudence, Dharmauastra was taken by early British colonial administrators to be the law of the land for Hindus in India. Ever since, Dharmauastra has been linked with Hindu law, despite the fact that its contents deal as much or more with religious life as with law. In fact, a separation of religion and law within Dharmauastra is artificial and has been repeatedly questioned. Dharma is the basic essence of vedic hindu version of law. Dharma is a very elaborate concept of Hinduism. Its principal aim is to preserve the world order (Rta), by maintaining its overall structure, basic values and innate harmony. According to Hinduism, one of the main functions of the Divinities is to protect the creation by maintaining the Dharma in all the worlds. The rules of Dharma are not universal. They are bound to time and space and are subject to perennial

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