Why Is Dallas Buyers Club Morally Wrong

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Dallas Buyers Club is a true story about a rodeo cowboy and electrician named Ron Woodroof, who has been recently diagnosed with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). During this time, the 1980s, HIV/AIDS has been under-researched and over stigmatized. The drug AZT was FDA approved and the only drug permitted to assist this disease. But, instead of killing only the bad cells in the body, it killed every cell in came into contact with, resulting in untimely deaths. Ron’s self-set mission was to find another drug that could help this disease be less painful and less taxing on the body. He smuggles unapproved pharmaceutical drugs into Texas for treatment, and sells memberships to the "Dallas Buyers Club,” where members are aided with various drugs and vitamins that control their disease. While …show more content…

Although this is brilliant and moving film Ron fights for what is right by doing something morally wrong. The act from which the whole premise of this movie is centered around is sexual promiscuity. Ron also goes against the authority in place and illegally brings back drugs to distribute. The film analyzes the life of the gay community and how they handled this disease in the 1980s. This film is morally wrong because there is failure to condemn sexual promiscuity, homophobia, rejection of authority, and encourages the notion of “right to try” that could potentially harm terminally ill patients. Sexually promiscuity is morally wrong. The main cause of HIV is unprotected sexual relations. Actions like this usually have consequences which can be seen through Ron’s contraction of HIV (Simpson). Although this is a very severe and ultimately fatal outcome, it paints a painful picture of what

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