Alien, Directed By Ridley Scott, Dallas Buyers Club, Anthem

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Alien directed by Ridley Scott, Dallas Buyers Club, directed by Jean Marc Valee, Anthem written by Ayn Rand and Harrison Bergeron written by Kurt Vonnegut. All four texts share the theme of marginalisation where a person, group or idea is treated as insignificant amongst society. Alien shows the marginalisation of humans vs. machines, where machines in the film played a pivotal role. A machine called “Mother” is the leader of the human crew. Mother is the only character who knows the truth of their expedition into space were their primary objective is to obtain new life, and the crew is expendable in completing the objective, as the dangers that lie ahead are not know by the human crew. Causing the crew to be in a state of emergency, due to …show more content…

technology. Were the antagonist Mother, a machine that withholds the real truth of the crews expedition into space. The main priorities are to bring a new form of life back to earth, and everything else is expendable in achieving the objective. Therefore the crew is marginalised when they step foot on the ship. Due to their companies’ lack of caring by telling them what lies ahead of their travels, as there lives are in danger. Alien is different to Dallas Buyers Club, Harrison Bergeron and Anthem, to the harsh reality were technology holds all the power and the crews blind faith in Mother, a machine, and the crews trust is misguided, thus the crewmembers lives are in danger. A scene that shows the marginalisation of humans vs. technology is when Dallas enters Mothers headquarters. Mother’s room only enhances here comparison to being human, as the whole room is shaped like a brain, and the constant flicker of lights resembles Mother to be thinking like a brain does. Mother in addition she is shown to be physically and mentality better than Dallas, when he enters her Headquarters he is already shown to be small. Mise-en Scene shows this. Furthermore when Dallas asks mother is there a way to defeat the Alien that has boarded the ship. Mother cannot comply showing how she withholds the truth rather than helping Dallas. Only creating frustration, for Dallas, as he cannot find a solution to defeating the Alien …show more content…

technology. Leading to show the overwhelming problem technology has. With the antagonist “Mother” a machine who knows the truth of there adventure into space, but does not tell the human crew what the real objective is causing the crew to be put in life threatening situation. Alien is different to Dallas Buyers Club, Anthem and Harrison Bergeron, as the truth the company withholds from the human crew causes their life to be in danger, Is a different theme of marginalisation. Dallas Buyers Club directed by Jean Marc Valee tells the struggle of Ron Woodroof the protagonist, to be marginalised by the F.D.A, as his purist to attain untested drugs in the U.S, is slowed down when they are made illegal by the F.D.A even thou, they do not pose any sign of death. Therefore the process of Aids has on the immune system cannot be treated. Dallas Buyers Club is similar to Anthem and Harrison Bergeron for specific groups in their society have marginalised their desires, to attain accomplishments. Anthem written by Ayn Rand tells the story of Equality and his self-infliction with his collectivist society’s central idea’s affect him, for his position within his society is one he does not agree with, therefore consequences in conflict and his pursuit of knowledge. Anthem is similar to Harrison Bergeron and Dallas Buyers Club, for they share the same theme of marginalisation were their society restricts their

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