Why Is Abnormal Behavior Considered Abnormal?

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Abnormal Behaviour
In my opinion, abnormal behaviour differentiates from person to person. Typically, abnormal behaviour is any behaviour that is not considered normal. Behaviour "may be considered abnormal when they are not appropriate to the situation." (Navid, 2012, 3) Abnormal behaviour can also depend on "the magnitude of the problem. " (2012) According to psychologists in Essentials of Abnormal Psychology, the following criteria are used in determining if the behaviour is abnormal;
1. Behaviour is unusual.
Unusual behaviour is often considered abnormal. Feeling panicked when entering a department store or a crowded elevator is considered abnormal. (2012, 3)
2. Behaviour is socially unacceptable or violates social norm.
All societies define acceptable behaviours differently. What may be considered abnormal in our society may be considered normal in another. Norms reflect …show more content…

Perception or interpretation of reality is faulty.
Typically, having delusions, or saying you’ve heard or seen things that aren’t there are considered abnormal. People say they “talk” to God through the prayer, but when they start to say they have physically seen or heard God, this is considered abnormal. (2012, p. 4)
4. The person is in significant personal distress.
Emotions such as anxiety, fear or depression can be considered abnormal, but are sometimes appropriate to the situation. Lack of emotional response to situations would be abnormal. When feelings of distress linger after the problem is over with, and begins to affect the person’s ability to function is when it is considered abnormal. (2012, p. 4-5)
5. Behaviour is maladaptive or self-defeating.
When behaviour limits our ability to function or adapt to environments it may be abnormal. Heavy alcohol consumption that begins to affect health and social functioning is abnormal. When behaviour begins to impair the individual’s ability to fulfil work and family responsibilities, it is abnormal. (2012)
6. Behaviour is

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