Why I Want To Study In The Great Gatsby

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Deciding I wanted to study film and make a career out of it was one thing but knowing what it was I had to do in order to become a producer was another. It was around my sophomore year I had realized that starting a career in the film industry was the best thing for me because it’s what interested me the most. I never saw myself waking up every morning and going to a job that involved knowing the difference between quantitative and categorical data displays or trying to figure out what exactly Fitzgerald meant by the “single green light” in The Great Gatsby. That is why I feel choosing a career in film was the best option for me because I want to be able to say that I got the chance to do what I have always wanted to. My interest in media goes back as far as I could remember. Whether it was something as simple as being amazed by any tv show or trying to take pictures and videos that I hoped people would be impressed by some day. In school I considered myself to be a good student who always did their work and tried their best to do a little bit extra to stand out. Although doing my work in my core classes didn’t stop me from creating random storylines in my head and figuring out some way I could make it a reality with nothing but a cell phone camera. I am very excited to be able to get the opportunity to continue to doing what I love. …show more content…

I enjoy band more than anything because, like film, music is an amazing way for people to express their emotions. Music was one of the few things that got me through high school. While it was difficult at times I enjoyed the challenge because it pushed me to go out of my comfort zone and helped me become a better and more confident leader. I have been taking care of my family for years but getting to go outside of my house and focus on something that will definitely benefit me later in life is a huge bonus to working on music throughout high

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