Why I Want To Pursue A Health Science Degree?

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As a freshman deciding which elective to enroll in for sophomore year, I decided that since I enjoyed science and had a potential interest in medicine, I would take Honors Anatomy and Physiology. Little did I know, the class would quickly become a favorite. From reading EKG strips to writing a lengthy essay on the fight or flight response, each body system presented new, fascinating information. With each class I became more intrigued by the complexities of the body’s processes. Because of the enjoyment I found in the course, I decided to apply for and was accepted to the Dell Medical School Health Sciences Summer Camp (HSSC). Through the one week camp, I learned from experience. From administering IVs to performing phlebotomies, my knowledge continued to expand and my love of health science grew. While in my high school course, I …show more content…

These classes, camps, and meetings have created my passion for the health sciences. To take my interest to the next level, I decided to apply for the Health Sciences Practicum at my high school and was accepted. The exposure I’ve gained to the medical field this year has been truly phenomenal. At the medical office I’m able to shadow not only the physician-patient interaction, but also the physical-therapist interaction. By seeing patients in the exam room, in the x-ray lab, and on the ground for strengthening and balance exercises, I’m able to see the multiple aspects of medicine at work in one office. Through this course I’m able to shadow doctors of my choosing and, later in the year, rotate through shadowing various departments in the Seton Hospital. By seeing doctors in action, my plans for the future have been solidified. While the details remain unclear, I now know medical school and life as a physician lie ahead. Through pursuing my passion for the health sciences, I’ve expanded my knowledge and determined my path for the

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