Why I Want To Be A Massage Therapist

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Kristy Allen September 30, 2015 I currently work at Ariel Clinical Services as the Post Adoption Support Specialist. I work with families that have adopted children through child welfare. I love the work I do at Ariel. I get to work with parents and children and encourage them to do their best. While I am encouraging other to better themselves, it makes me think about what I can do for myself. It is what has led me to further my education. I want to work towards getting my Bachelors degree in Psychology. I feel that wanting further my education for the families, agency I work for and myself will influence and encourage my academic work at Colorado Christian University. This degree will give me opportunities for advancement and give me knowledge …show more content…

If I do not use my time wisely, work can get behind and suffer. I am responsible for keeping paperwork up to date, sending out contracts, verifying information from families among other things. I take pride in working “smarter not harder” by being organized and proficient, this allows me to get more done in a day. This skill is going to be key to my success in school. I will use my time management balance work, school and home life being successful in all fields. With diligence I have helped families in crisis and was able to help set up plans to prevent further problems down the road in life. I take pride in following through with the families I work with, and making my best effort in helping them any way I know how. It is my responsibility to help my families that are going through hard situations. I help find local resources for parents to help their children with their struggles. I check in on families to make sure any preventative work that can be done is applied. I have gone out of my way to help my families, from giving advice to just being there to listen. I can apply this diligence in school, working on assignments and reading for classes when first

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