Why I Want To Be A First Generation Student?

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I want to first start off by saying that this is a bittersweet moment for me. On one hand, I’m thrilled to be graduating, but on the other hand, I love being a Mariner and I’ve enjoyed my time here so much that I hate that it is coming to an end. These pass four years have been some of the best years of my life. For the past two years I’ve had the privilege of serving as the Vice-President for Student Government Association, and it has shaped me into the person that I am today. I’ve made friends and connections that will last a life time and I owe a good portion of that to SGA. My contribution to campus life, in my opinion wasn’t enough, but I believe that I have had a hand in making a difference on campus. Student Government isn’t the only way that I’m involved on campus, I also am an active member in Overboard Entertainment, I’ve helped them with executing several events over the past three years including: Homecoming, Spring Fling, and the Halloween Dance. I’m also a part of the original Blue Crew Team, and I’ve served as an Orientation Leader to help guide the new incoming …show more content…

Being a first generation, can be difficult, because you don’t have the guidance that some people need when they are first starting college. In other words, you have to stand on your own two feet because your parents or grandparents don’t have the advice and wisdom to give to you about college. Statistics also show that first generation students have a higher chance of dropping out, I know because it happened to my brother. In my case though, I found it extremely challenging at times because when I started college my parents forgot about me, meaning if I needed any type of help rather it would be financial or advice I knew not to call them. I came here alone, but I’m not leaving alone. During orientation we would tell the new freshmen that “this is your home away from home”, but for me this was my

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