Why I Want To Be A Child Psychology Essay

663 Words2 Pages

Jennesey Noelle Surratt
Ms. Kopecky
English III
Final Draft
“Child psychology is a gate to understanding more than just children.” (How to Become a child psychologist 1) Child psychology is a branch of psychology focusing on developmental needs of the child from infancy to adolescence. A psychology in which a professional will respond to beliefs, how a child will develop, how a child will react will different situations, and how to deal with family trauma. (how to become a child psychologist)Jennesey Noelle Surratt
Ms. Kopecky
English III
Final Draft
“Child psychology is a gate to understanding more than just children.” (How to Become a child psychologist 1) Child psychology is a branch of psychology focusing on developmental needs of the child from infancy to adolescence. A psychology in which a professional will respond to beliefs, how a child will develop, how a child will react will different situations, and how to deal with family trauma. (how to become a child psychologist) After comparing New York University, Texas Tech University, and Walden University based on my criteria of tuition costs, program stability, and graduation rate within the specified field of study, New York University would be the choice in helping me pursue a career in child psychology. …show more content…

“You will gain tools… impact upon the well being of children.” (child psychology major) Child psychology requires hands-on work and many laboring tasks that need both time and money in order to be completed such as working as an aid or the tests need to be certified. Colleges like those of New York University (NYU) provide students with the hands-on education needed while at the same time keeping the program from being too cost heavy. While both Walden University and Texas Tech University are affordable program stability is also required in order to create a proper stepping stone to a solid

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